
A Primer on Optimizing Your WordPress Site’s Page Speed Insights Score

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, website speed can make or break user experience, affecting everything from bounce rates to search engine rankings. This holds particularly true for WordPress sites, often loaded with plugins that can inadvertently slow down performance. In this guide, we’ll delve into key strategies to enhance your WordPress site’s Page Speed Insights …

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Working With Remote Teams: How to Keep Projects Moving Forward From Afar

Working with remote teams can be a challenge, for many reasons. The setup is ripe for miscommunications, misunderstandings, and misfires on project outcomes. Add multiple timezones into the mix, and things can get real interesting real quick. Tips For Working With Remote Teams Here at Command Media, we were perfecting our remote work setup across …

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What is GDPR, the EU Data Protection Law?

GDPR, the European Union’s data law, went into effect in 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation aims to protect all individuals within the 27 member states from having their personal information collected and misused by companies outside of Europe or elsewhere without consent. The GDPR also gives consumers more control over how their data is …

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CCPA compliance is not just for California businesses

Don’t let the name fool you: your business does not have to be based in California for your website to be affected by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). While CCPA remains the most well-known online data privacy law in the United States, four states are adding similar laws in 2023: Virginia, Colorado, Connecticut, and …

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